
First, we explain the general settings of catalogs.
Then, we explain how you can clone and sync specific products in the second section. This is only applicable for users with a master/sub account structure.

If you are not using a Lightspeed account, you should first define the applicable VAT rates. This is done in the Shops => Vat section.

Follow these steps if you want to add a catalog manually:

Select catalogs and click on “add your catalog”. Fill in the catalog info and click Confirm.
Now you can start adding one or more product categories.
example: fingerfood, burgers, pasta’s, soft drinks, desserts, homemade drinks

After defining your product categories, just click on their names to go into the detail view.

you can add several products with one click by using tags, but we will expand about this subject later, as it is defined into the products overview video.

Don’t forget to add pictures to the categories if you want to use a hierarchy layout on your webshop. A hierarchy layout will show for each category a large image on your webshop (see menu ‘Settings’ → ‘Sayl Resto ’). For the LS users, this is not imported from LS. So to summarise, product pictures are imported from LS. This is not the case for categorie pictures. They must be uploaded on Sayl by hand.

Let's now dive into the second section which explains cloning/syncing from the master catalog to different sub accounts.

If you want to make adaptations for all your sub accounts at once (example change and sync your catalogs for all the different accounts) , you have to be certain that you are in the master account.

Once you are at the master level, you can adapt existing or import new catalogs from LS.
You can then easily copy and sync these catalogs to your subaccounts. Just click on the catalog, select the 3 dots in the upper right corner and choose the applicable options.

The first time you will use this, you will have to clone the catalog and choose the applicable subaccounts. Afterwards, you can just sync your changes within this master catalog to the previous cloned catalogs on your subaccount.

Always make sure your Sub account catalog is linked to your sub account shop, and not to the master catalog!

Updated on: 07/07/2021