Articles on: Sayl for Restaurants

How to put an announcement on my Sayl Resto webshop?

It may happen that you want to put a clear announcement on your Sayl Resto webshop, for example when the opening hours have changed, or when there is a special promotion, ... There are enough reasons to sometimes communicate something to your customers.

So how do you place such an announcement on your Sayl webshop?

Go to "storefronts" in the menu.

Sayl Cloud - storefronts menu item

A storefront is literally a "storefront" or the front view of your shop. In an online context, this is, of course, the online webshop, and we want to place a message on the front of the webshop. Normally, you have only one storefront in your account. (If there are multiple ones, you need to select the correct storefront. A storefront is always linked to a shop, which you can check in the details screen of the selected frontend.)

In the details screen of the storefront
Scroll down until you reach the "Store Announcements" section.

Storefront announcement Sayl Resto

Click the "Activate box" and enter your announcement. Use the icons in the editor to make the font larger, change colors, underline, and more.

Example announcement

Click on save.

Now go to your website and refresh the page.

Announcement on Sayl Resto webshop

PS. If you do not immediately see the announcement, it may be that there is still data in the "cache" (server memory). You can add ?nocache=1 at the end of your URL in the address bar at the top to forcibly clear the cache."

Updated on: 04/10/2023