Articles on: Sayl for Restaurants

I would like my clients to choose their pick up location, how do I set this up?

Offer multiple click & collect points

Imagine you have several pick up points connected to one single kitchen, and you want that clients can specifically choose at which pick up location they want to collect their purchase.

This is how it looks like on the Sayl resto webshop:

The following print screen shows an overview of the set up in SAYL:

Just follow these simple steps:

1: create a 2nd preparation location
2: create a 2nd POS, which is linked to the 2nd preparation location
3: On the SSM app, make sure you select both preperation locations
4: We can show the preparation location on the LS ticket. You will have to contact us and create a new specific table with the preparation location name in LS.

Updated on: 10/06/2023